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GO Stock -- huge Torii gate of Heian Shrine - The Heian Shrine torii is one of the largest and tallest gates in Japan. The torii is 24.2 meters tall, and the massive supporting beams are 3.63 meters in diameter. -- Ambiance Asie Bleu Bouddhisme Ciel Contre-plongée Couleur Eleve Extérieur Géographie Honshu Japon Jour Kansai Kyoto Nobody Nuage Phénomène Naturel Religion Rouge Sanctuaire Shintoïsme Sérénité Vie Spirituelle

huge Torii gate of Heian Shrine - The Heian Shrine torii is one of the largest and tallest gates in Japan. The torii is 24.2 meters tall, and the massive supporting beams are 3.63 meters in diameter.

Image Libre de Droits n° : G765269354

Collection : GO Stock

© Frauke Fischer-Ikeda / GO Stock / GraphicObsession

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 Dimensions  Prix HT
500 x 333 px
(18 x 12 cm, 72dpi)
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XS600 x 400 px
(21 x 14 cm, 72dpi)
 49 €
S1000 x 667 px
(35 x 24 cm, 72dpi)
 175 €
M2400 x 1600 px
(20 x 14 cm, 300dpi)
 309 €
L3500 x 2333 px
(30 x 20 cm, 300dpi)
 429 €
XL5616 x 3744 px
(48 x 32 cm, 300dpi)
 469 €

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